Printing Cultivation Labels

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Many cultivators choose to print QR code labels that are unique to each plant. This is particularly useful if you are not connected to a state reporting software that uses UID/RFID tag numbers. Some states require facilities to label all plants with unique numbers. Be sure to know what is required by your state in order to achieve and maintain … Read More

Adding Quick Customer Buttons to Homepage

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Many Recreational Dispensaries use generic customers to help streamline the sales process. If your chooser is set to Recreational Dispensary Homepage, you can take advantage of quick buttons that represent these customers. Here are a few important details to make sure these buttons appear. From the Customer Homepage, type in a few letters of the customer name. If they are … Read More

Updates to Sales and Profit Report – Customer Type Breakdowns and Discount Breakdowns

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A big thanks to Eric Tauer for his fabulous additions to the Sales and Profit Report! Now you can see a breakdown of sales by customer types, as well as a full breakdown of all of your discounts. From the Classic Links drop down list at the top of any page, hover over System Reports, and then select Sales and … Read More

How to Print Using Chrome**

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Finally a solution has been sleuthed out by Renee Grossman on how to use Chrome and print in adilas- thank you Renee for your time! **Please note that these steps worked in Windows 10, BUT NOT for all operating systems. Also note that adilas is currently developing printing functionality within the software platform, so we will no longer be dependent … Read More

Production Overview for MIPS

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The Production functionality in adilas is up and running, with additions being added frequently. Here is a general overview of its current abilities. **These steps assume that you have already created your vendor, categories, and initial Basic Live PO with items that you will be manufacturing with, as well as all finished product items. From the Production Homepage, click on … Read More

New Link for Online Bill Pay

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This is a feature that can help you collect receivables more quickly. Please note that your corp has to have online bill pay turned on (this is done in the admin corp-wide setting) and must have a valid merchant processing account (be able to accept credit cards). Once these things match up, the new link will appear. Navigate to the … Read More

Customer Specific Tax Categories and How to Set Them

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Each customer in your system may be assigned to a tax category. Some options include normal taxable, wholesale, resale, and government. Previously, the tax category showed up in the shopping cart, and could be manipulated on the fly if needed. The new code allows for the customer tax category to virtually stick all the way through the shopping cart. The … Read More

Auto-populate new customer form with DL scan feature

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When a customer comes in to your dispensary, you can scan their drivers license to either add them to a shopping cart, a queue, or add them as a new customer. Place your cursor in the blank field to the left of the “Scan DL” button on the Dispensary homepage. Scan their drivers license. This will do one of three … Read More

Oklahoma is now included in the list of states for payroll tax withholding.

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Now those of you in Oklahoma can run your payroll through adilas and rest assured that the proper payroll withholdings will be calculated. Thanks a million to Shawn Curtis for adding this function to the payroll options. Please read below if you need a refresher on how to access these settings. From the Department homepage, choose the appropriate department. If … Read More