Settings for New Mini Scan Cart – Part 2 of 2

Cory WardenCore Features, Frequently Asked Questions, General News and Updates, Help Files, Support, Tips and Tricks1 Comment

Here we will continue to review the settings available for the new mini scan shopping cart. In the third section there are settings for presets and favorite buttons. There are detailed instructions on the right side of the settings. You can create direct links to any page in adilas that you want to access from the shopping cart. If you … Read More

New Look for Balance Sheet

Cory WardenCore Features, General News and Updates, Help Files, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

We have updated our look for the balance sheet. You still have all the same functionality, and now you can export your balance sheet items (both system and user maintained). Quickly go to the next day or view daily history in a new window. Export System generated and maintained balance sheet items. Export User maintained balance sheet items. You can … Read More

New Metrc API Homepage Look/Feel

Marisa ShawCannabis Updates, Core Features, SupportLeave a Comment

In an effort to modernize the look and feel of the Adilas system, we will be launching an updated view of our Metrc API Homepage. This new view includes minimal changes to the functionality of the page and mostly deals with the arrangement and placement of the buttons within the page. The “More Options” button has changed to a link … Read More

Important Update: New Look & Feel for Items/Parts Pages

Marisa ShawCannabis Updates, Core Features, General News and Updates, MJ Tips and Tricks, Tips and Tricks1 Comment

First of all, we would like to extend a sincere apology to our clients for the inconvenience and confusion that was caused by our update, which occurred on the morning of February 24th, 2022. Some of the updates have been reverted back to their original state until we can come up with a better solution for all of our clients. … Read More

Users Permission Templates

Russell MooreGeneral News and UpdatesLeave a Comment

User Permission Templates will allow a corporation to create templates of permissions for users such as Admin, Teller, Accountant, etc. Each permission template can contain any number of permissions available within the system. A permission template can then be applied to any user. Templates can be applied in succession to a user for those users who perform multiple sets of … Read More

New Setting Homepage and Corp Wide Setting Page

Russell MooreGeneral News and UpdatesLeave a Comment

The “Manage Corp Info & Permissions” page and the “Corporation-Wide Settings And Defaults” page have been redesigned. “Manage Corp Info & Permissions” page “Corporation-Wide Settings And Defaults” page The “Corporation-Wide Settings And Defaults” page has also received a reconfiguration of its settings. Settings have been broken up into different categories. As of 7/27/20 these categories are as follows: Corporation Terminology … Read More

New Payee Permission Home

Russell MooreGeneral News and UpdatesLeave a Comment

Here is a sneak peek of the new payee permission homepage, which is receiving a face lift. It also includes the ability to search/filter users to more easily find who you are looking for. This page should be going live between July 28 and August 8. Upon launching or shortly thereafter this page will receive a dedicated help file and … Read More

New Classic Homepage

Russell MooreGeneral News and UpdatesLeave a Comment

new classic homepage

This new look is scheduled to launch end of day on Thursday, June 18, 2020. It is the first of many pages that will be getting a makeover. The new Classic Home Page removes the three click process down to two clicks or less. It also features a more slimmed-down version of the quick search and a ‘more options’ header … Read More