Settings for New Mini Scan Cart – Part 2 of 2

Cory WardenCore Features, Frequently Asked Questions, General News and Updates, Help Files, Support, Tips and Tricks1 Comment

Here we will continue to review the settings available for the new mini scan shopping cart. In the third section there are settings for presets and favorite buttons. There are detailed instructions on the right side of the settings. You can create direct links to any page in adilas that you want to access from the shopping cart. If you … Read More

New Permission Now Required for Certain Settings in Adilas

Cory WardenCannabis Updates, General News and Updates, Help Files, MJ Tips and Tricks, Support, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

We have added a new permission to access the following page settings: Cultivation, Production, Gram control in the shopping cart, and MMJ Homepage settings. You will need to assign yourself or be assigned this permission (id=176) before you can access these pages. Until then, when you try to access these settings you will get an error message, reminding you to … Read More

New Look/Feel for Start Cart, Discount Calc, & Payment Screens

Marisa ShawCannabis Updates, Core Features, General News and UpdatesLeave a Comment

In an effort to modernize the look and feel of Adilas, we have made some recent changes to the following pages: Start New Cart Discount Calc Checkout/Payment PLEASE NOTE: There have been no changes to the functionality of these three areas, only the look and feel have been revised. We will continue to revamp some of our pages throughout Adilas … Read More

User Settings

Russell MooreTips and TricksLeave a Comment

User Settings Did you know that each user can select default settings for common tasks to make processes easier? Here are the available user settings as of 4/10/18. How to Get to User Settings: Select the user plus icon in the header You’re good to go. You can set up for yourself all the defaults you feel are necessary.  

Smart Group – Show Parent/Child

Russell MooreGeneral News and Updates, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

Smart Group – Show Parent/Child My Cart Favorites -> More options -> Settings With a click of the button choose how smart group items are displayed Display only child items to make it easier for customers to find what’s available to buy 🙂 Display parent/child to show more detail and the relationship of items