New Packaging Functionality for Cultivation

Cory WardenCannabis Updates, Help Files, METRC, MJ Tips and Tricks, Support, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

Please note that all new harvests will be able to access the new functions upon creation. For existing harvests, there is one additional step to follow. From the cultivation homepage click on Harvests tab. Then choose the harvest type you had assigned to the harvest you wish to package. In this scenario, the harvest was unassigned. If your harvest is … Read More

New Feature Makes it Easier to View How Many Plants Are Being Removed/Destroyed

Cory WardenCannabis Updates, Help Files, MJ Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

Click on the ‘Remove’ link under the tab for Strain, Location, Phase or Batch. Now click on the boxes next to the plants you need to destroy. Scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see that it says “Remove 3 Plants.” Click Destroy Plants. The final page shows the three PO’s for the three plants destroyed. As … Read More

Using the Resync Function for METRC Package Updates

Cory WardenCannabis Updates, Help Files, METRC, MJ Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

Sometimes when package data changes in METRC (sometimes by a vendor, or through a sales transaction) the package in Adilas does not receive the update. This is when the resync function can come in handy to pull in the latest information. Here’s an example: The THC content is updated in multiple items by a vendor in METRC, but that data … Read More

New Exit Label for Colorado

Cory WardenCannabis Updates, Core Features, General News and Updates, Help Files, MJ Tips and Tricks, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

There is a new label for Colorado Dispensaries that users can add to their checkout process. To access the settings you must be in a shopping cart. In this example, add a customer from the quick sales buttons to the cart. Click on the question mark on the right side of the page. Click on the settings link, then click … Read More

How to Hide Your Closed Subs on the Inventory Homepage

Cory WardenCannabis Updates, Core Features, General News and Updates, Help Files, MJ Tips and Tricks, Support, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

There is a setting that you need to check in order to hide zero quantity/closed sub packages automatically. From the inventory homepage, click on advanced item search (please note the word ‘item’ is dynamic so your system may have another term in its place, such as part, or mmj item). Click on the question mark on the right side of … Read More

Set METRC API Keys for Users

Cory WardenCannabis Updates, General News and Updates, Help Files, METRC, MJ Tips and Tricks, Support, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

**This function will be live on Wednesday, May 31st***** We now have the ability to add an API key at the user level so that transactions sent to METRC are linked to the user who performed the transaction. You will still need to have a corp level API key in order for the other processes that happen between METRC and … Read More

New Permission Now Required for Certain Settings in Adilas

Cory WardenCannabis Updates, General News and Updates, Help Files, MJ Tips and Tricks, Support, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

We have added a new permission to access the following page settings: Cultivation, Production, Gram control in the shopping cart, and MMJ Homepage settings. You will need to assign yourself or be assigned this permission (id=176) before you can access these pages. Until then, when you try to access these settings you will get an error message, reminding you to … Read More

PO Line Item Rounding for Internal Builds

Marisa ShawCannabis Updates, Core Features, General News and Updates, MJ Tips and Tricks, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

Adilas has a way for every PO Line Item (on all PO types) to go through a rounding function where the system will do the calculations in the background for you. There is a keyword of “auto” that we use behind the scenes that is used to force the math update. If a real rounding number is submitted manually by … Read More

How to Set Tiered Pricing in e-Commerce

Cory WardenCannabis Updates, MJ Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

Using Parent Attributes (also known as Parent Tags), users can create tiered pricing for pre-packaged cannabis to be sold through the Adilas e-commerce platform. Navigate to the Items Homepage and click on more options. Select “Add/Edit Parent Attribute Categories” Select “Add New Parent Attribute Category” The name of this category must be labeled as “Tiered Pricing”. If you would like … Read More

Important Update: New Look & Feel for Items/Parts Pages

Marisa ShawCannabis Updates, Core Features, General News and Updates, MJ Tips and Tricks, Tips and Tricks1 Comment

First of all, we would like to extend a sincere apology to our clients for the inconvenience and confusion that was caused by our update, which occurred on the morning of February 24th, 2022. Some of the updates have been reverted back to their original state until we can come up with a better solution for all of our clients. … Read More