Smart Group – Show Parent/Child

Russell MooreGeneral News and Updates, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

Smart Group – Show Parent/Child My Cart Favorites -> More options -> Settings With a click of the button choose how smart group items are displayed Display only child items to make it easier for customers to find what’s available to buy 🙂 Display parent/child to show more detail and the relationship of items  

Cart Favorite Buttons

Russell MooreGeneral News and Updates, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

Cart Favorite Buttons Tied to the open Child When you click on a button tied to a parent, the system looks to see if the parent is marked “Use Subs Only” Auto detection of one open Child If only one Child is open, system will sell from that Child If more than one Child is open, system will display results

Flash or HTML Buttons

Russell MooreGeneral News and UpdatesLeave a Comment

Choose either Flash or HTML Buttons. Flash Buttons From the Classic Homepage Under System Basics, select “Password & Profile” Click on the “My Settings & Defaults” Button Choose either button style Flash or HTML – Great for IPad or IPhone HTML Buttons Allowed by Apple devices Loads faster than Flash 8 Colors available Choose your photo Touch screen ready

Smart Group Item Quantities

Russell MooreGeneral News and UpdatesLeave a Comment

Sum up Smart Group item quantities. Smart Buttons now work two different ways… 1 – Sum up quantity per item according to rules Or 2 – One click to figure prices based on the sum of the quantities Give it a try on the play site 🙂 Corporation Key: testing Username: Guest Password: 1234 How to get there… Classic Homepage … Read More