Settings for New Mini Scan Cart – Part 2 of 2

Cory WardenCore Features, Frequently Asked Questions, General News and Updates, Help Files, Support, Tips and Tricks1 Comment

Here we will continue to review the settings available for the new mini scan shopping cart. In the third section there are settings for presets and favorite buttons. There are detailed instructions on the right side of the settings. You can create direct links to any page in adilas that you want to access from the shopping cart. If you … Read More

New Settings for Message Marketing Modal

Cory WardenCore Features, Frequently Asked Questions, General News and Updates, Help Files, Support, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

Now you can allow your customers to respond back to your messages or keep the messaging as one direction only. If you haven’t set us the message marketing modal yet, please refer back to the news and update called ‘New Message Marketing Modal’ published on August 13, 2021. The setting that you will need to access is under the ‘Other’ … Read More

Sort Order for Location Homepage

Cory WardenCore Features, General News and Updates, Help Files, Support, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

Previously locations were sorted solely alphabetically. Now you can create a sort order without changing the name of your location. From system maintenance, click on the location homepage. From the location homepage, click on name of the location you wish to sort. The default for all locations is 100. Scroll down to the sort order field and enter the number … Read More

Using the Resync Function for METRC Package Updates

Cory WardenCannabis Updates, Help Files, METRC, MJ Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

Sometimes when package data changes in METRC (sometimes by a vendor, or through a sales transaction) the package in Adilas does not receive the update. This is when the resync function can come in handy to pull in the latest information. Here’s an example: The THC content is updated in multiple items by a vendor in METRC, but that data … Read More

New Settings Available for Retail Dashboard Interface

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This interface works great for coffee shops, delis, liquor stores, and other non cannabis retail environments. To select this homepage, click on the icon for chooser at the top right of any page in adilas. Scroll down until you see the retail dashboard chooser. Click set as default. You can also use the search bar at the top of the … Read More

New Exit Label for Colorado

Cory WardenCannabis Updates, Core Features, General News and Updates, Help Files, MJ Tips and Tricks, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

There is a new label for Colorado Dispensaries that users can add to their checkout process. To access the settings you must be in a shopping cart. In this example, add a customer from the quick sales buttons to the cart. Click on the question mark on the right side of the page. Click on the settings link, then click … Read More