E-mail Invoices

Russell MooreGeneral News and Updates, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

E-mail Invoices Adilas has the ability to e-mail invoices. This feature has actually been available for some time, but now includes the new e-mailing system with all its variables and capabilities. How to E-mail Invoices: Home (header tab) >  Invoice Homepage > Select an invoice (select the printable link option to the right) > E-mail (button) Select an Invoice (select the … Read More

E-mail Quotes

Russell MooreGeneral News and Updates, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

E-mail Quotes Adilas has the ability to e-mail quotes. This feature has actually been available for some time, but now includes the new e-mailing system with all its variables and capabilities. How to E-mail Quotes: Home (header tab) > Quote Homepage > Select a Quote (select the printable link option to the right) > E-mail (button) Select a Quote (select … Read More

Password Retrieval/Renewal

Russell MooreGeneral News and Updates, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

Password Retrieval/Renewal This feature is slightly misnamed as labeled below. It really should be called password retrieval. It allows a customer to be able to retrieve their password if they enter in a valid e-mail. The password will be sent to their e-mail account as a security measure. They can then, if they desire, log in and change their password. … Read More

New – News and Updates Homepage

Russell MooreGeneral News and Updates, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

New – News and Updates Homepage The new “News and Updates” is designed to be the go to place for all Adilas resources and updates. Eventually it will also connect out to the Adilas University. The new “News and Updates” page will let you know when there are updated courses, new third-party solutions, new help files, new tips and tricks, … Read More

Part ID and Barcode Columns

Russell MooreGeneral News and Updates, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

Part ID and Barcode Columns New functionality in Snow Owl allows Part ID’s and Barcodes to be displayed Part ID and Barcode columns are now included in Excel exports as well These new columns can be found on the parts list w/look-back date for Parts, Lines-list, and Lines-group for Purchase Orders

Add Additional Vendor/Payee

Russell MooreGeneral News and Updates, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

Add Additional Vendor/Payee You can now add an additional Vendor/Payee to PO’s and Expenses/Receipts Select additional vendors you want to be active on the PO Homepage Additional vendors are displayed in a drop down list when creating a new PO or Expense/Receipt Don’t like scrolling through drop-downs? No problem, let Snow Owl work it’s magic. Just begin typing the additional … Read More

Deposit Homepage – Data Table

Russell MooreGeneral News and Updates, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

Deposit Homepage – Data Table Snow Owl Theme – Data Table – Deposit Homepage The deposit homepage now includes the data table functionality Users can save to Excel or print to PDF, sort columns, and use the multi search/filter To filter/search just type in desired data, hit space, and type in additional criteria It’s Snow Owl Magic 🙂