Metrc – Attributes

Benjamin HudsonCannabis UpdatesLeave a Comment

Metrc – Attributes Auto Add Child Attributes. From the Metrc API Home, click on the add inventory button. Select the incoming packages to build a new PO. On the Mapping page (shown here), select the child availability of Open or Disabled. Batch Number now pulls from Metrc.   Metrc/Adilas Auto Add Attributes Update Batch Number will be auto added to … Read More

Text Message Marketing

Benjamin HudsonCannabis UpdatesLeave a Comment

Text Message Marketing – API with Full Circle 30 day Free Trial Marketing made easy Engage your Adilas POS system to enable a text message strategy Give Full Circle a call atΒ (303) 848-3300 Or click toΒ (learn more) Full Circle has been fully integrated with Adilas since 2012

Metrc – Manifests

Benjamin HudsonCannabis UpdatesLeave a Comment

Metrc – Manifests Transfers/Manifests available. From the Metrc API Home, click on transfers.   Metrc/Adilas – Transfers Update Click on the Manifest number to see details of all packages. Manifest number is auto populated on Adilas PO as new inventory is added. Please let us know if there is additional information you would like on this report.

Snow Owl – Text Editor

Russell MooreTips and TricksLeave a Comment

[alert_message id=”947f5da93739d906adc87e4f5879aaa7″ type=”info” title=”For Your Information” text=”As of 3/1/2018, AFB the third-party solution has been merged with Adilas. Please refer to the most recent posts for the most current information.” icon=”fa fa-info-circle” close=”true” alignment=”left” text_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#47c9e5″ border_color=”” __fw_editor_shortcodes_id=”2dab3244aa39a1be2560805c5978c6fb” _fw_coder=”aggressive”][/alert_message] Snow Owl – Text Editor Text editors allow you to create HTML content easily and efficiently. Watch A Video On It … Read More

Snow Owl – Data Tables

Russell MooreTips and TricksLeave a Comment

[alert_message id=”ec4f0ab81d6eb0574b918acc97156691″ type=”info” title=”For Your Information” text=”As of 3/1/2018, AFB the third-party solution has been merged with Adilas. Please refer to the most recent posts for the most current information.” icon=”fa fa-info-circle” close=”true” alignment=”left” text_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#47c9e5″ border_color=”” __fw_editor_shortcodes_id=”ecc9746c9181542e6edcd8a48f815f1b” _fw_coder=”aggressive”][/alert_message] Snow Owl – Data Tables Data tables are a powerful new way to view your data in Adilas. Data tables are … Read More

Weight/Quantity Report

Benjamin HudsonCannabis UpdatesLeave a Comment

Packaged Cannabis Specific If selling pre-packaged, this report shows total weight (grams) sold. From the Reports Homepage, click on the quantity/weight link. The new drop down allows multi category selection.