E-commerce – Parent Attributes/Tags

Russell MooreGeneral News and Updates, Help Files, Support, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

E-commerce – Parent Attributes/Tags For the sake of describing this tool, we will use the name of Tag. Please know that this naming convention is up to you. Parent Attributes or Tags is a new category convention inside of Adilas. It allows you to build Tag Categories, individual tags, and attach those tags to individual items for use within the … Read More

Parent Attributes

Benjamin HudsonCannabis Updates, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

Parent Attributes – Dynamic Naming, Unlimited Categories and 1000’s of Icons Available from the Inventory Homepage and other options. Also available when you edit a Parent. There are links that add or edit attributes. This functionality allows searching by attributes on the e-commerce and the POS. Drop downs, Select boxes, Text fields, et cetera can be added. Limit by Categories, … Read More

Cross Corp Invoice to PO – Sub Inventory

Russell MooreGeneral News and Updates, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

Cross Corp Invoice to PO – Sub Inventory Cross Corp Invoice to PO, now include Sub Inventory From the Invoice or PO Homepage Click on the more options. Select the cross corp link. (optimization between systems required) This function automatically builds the PO off an invoice in another system If the parent in the master system is marked ‘Subs Only’, … Read More

E-commerce Icon/App Icon

Russell MooreGeneral News and Updates, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

E-Commerce Icon App Icon Your clients can now add an icon to cell phones or tablets Saves your logo on their device to log in for quick ordering Browse to the E-Commerce Settings, upload your logo and go 🙂 Phone/Tablet App Icon How To Get To It: Other (header tab) > Other Settings > E-commerce Settings > Other Pictures (link … Read More

Admin Photo Permission

Russell MooreGeneral News and Updates, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

Photo Gallery, Admin Photo Permission Allows permissioned user to change photos no matter who uploaded them How To Get To It: Classic Links (header tab) > System Management > Add/Edit Payees & Permissions > Select A User Locate and select permission id=159, “Photo Admin” and save the page. Tip: To find permission quickly, press “control + f”, type “id=159”. The page … Read More

Snow Owl – Templates and More

Russell MooreGeneral News and Updates, Help Files, Support, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

Snow Owl – Templates and More The Snow Owl theme can now create templates and have control of payee settings. In this update we will go over these new settings. Create Template Edit Template Edit Payee Settings Payee Select Template Watch a video on it Written instructions below Create Template Snow Owl now has the ability to create multiple templates. … Read More