Smart Group – Show Parent/Child

Russell MooreGeneral News and Updates, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

Smart Group – Show Parent/Child My Cart Favorites -> More options -> Settings With a click of the button choose how smart group items are displayed Display only child items to make it easier for customers to find what’s available to buy 🙂 Display parent/child to show more detail and the relationship of items  

Payroll State Percentage

Russell MooreGeneral News and Updates, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

Payroll State Percentage Percentage or Numeric values are now allowed for deductions. From the department homepage, select the employee. If you cannot see your employees, click on the button called “Switch This Page To Advanced Mode – Show Subs”, then select an employee. There is now an option for setting up a percentage-based withholding that may be applied. The new … Read More

E-commerce – Sub Attributes

Russell MooreGeneral News and Updates, Help Files, Support, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

E-commerce – Sub Attributes Selling and searching for subs is now available on the E-commerce. *** Please report any bugs. Some corporations for whatever reason, have been experiencing problems, while others have not. Please let us know so we can resolve these issues as soon as possible. *** In this help file we will be going over: Different Options of … Read More

Enhanced Payment Details

Russell MooreGeneral News and Updates, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

Enhanced Payment Details When paying multi payables, the external invoice data will now auto print on check stubs These payment details are currently unlimited and depending on size, may exceed the available space on the check stub The ability to print out a separate report with details still exists

E-commerce – Threshold/Buffer and More

Russell MooreGeneral News and Updates, Help Files, Support, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

E-commerce – Threshold/Buffer and Hide Inventory Settings These settings are based off the “Check Quantity on Hand” in the E-commerce settings. How to Get to It: Other (header tab) > Other Settings > E-commerce Settings > E-commerce Options (link on the right-hand side) Category Buffer/Threshold If the “Check Quantity on Hand” is selected, the “Use Category Buffer” will create a threshold/quantity check … Read More