Weight/Quantity Report

Benjamin HudsonCannabis UpdatesLeave a Comment

Packaged Cannabis Specific If selling pre-packaged, this report shows total weight (grams) sold. From the Reports Homepage, click on the quantity/weight link. The new drop down allows multi category selection.

Metrc – Update Inventory

Benjamin HudsonCannabis UpdatesLeave a Comment

Metrc – Update Inventory Adjust Inventory. From the Metrc Inventory Comparison, click on the icon. Updates both Metrc and Adilas. Note: In Colorado, submit sales via the API prior to viewing the inventory comparison.   Metrc/Adilas Inventory Update Displays both package and child current quantity. Add or scale in the onhand quantity. Shows the adjustment quantity that will be submitted. … Read More

Metrc – Add Packages

Benjamin HudsonCannabis UpdatesLeave a Comment

Metrc – Add Packages Add Metrc Packages: Auto builds the PO, Adds the parent and the child, Pulls the RFID and all values, and Matches with the manifest/transfer.   Select the new Metrc Packages according to the manifest/transfer Then select the Vendor & Location Add amount and notes to create a new PO   Match to existing item, select or … Read More

Metrc API – Multi States

Russell MooreCannabis UpdatesLeave a Comment

Metrc API – Multi States Upload sales Real Time using API instead of CSV Compare Inventory with the State Trackability System Go to the 3rd Party Solutions to activate Requires User API Key Saves hours of your valuable time 🙂 How to get to 3rd party solutions page: Classic Homepage > More Options (button) > 3rd Party Solutions (link)

Oregon Metrc Integration

Andrea FortnerCannabis Updates, Frequently Asked Questions, General News and Updates, MJ Tips and Tricks, Support, UncategorizedLeave a Comment

Adilas Is Pleased to Announce API Integration with the Oregon Metrc Tracking System. Oregon has elected Metrc to be their statewide Cannabis Tracking System, and Adilas has made connecting to the new Metrc system easier with our API Integration Tools. If you haven’t yet procured an API key from Metrc, follow these steps: Apply and receive your business approval from … Read More