A new merchant processor has been integrated inside Adilas. GreenLink Merchant Processing is making payment solutions more accessible to higher-risk industries, including Cannabis-related businesses. By eliminating additional accounting reconciliation steps and checkout errors, GreenLink and Adilas provide a secure and efficient way to take PIN debit payments from your customers.

To access the “door” to turn on this feature after signing up with Greenlink, you will need to visit the 3rd Party Solutions page.
From inside your Adilas system, click the Question Mark icon on the right side of the page.

Then select the Check Mark icon for the 3rd Party Solutions page.

After contacting Greenlink Merchant, under the GLM Authorization drop down, select the option for “Yes, Turn on GLM Merchant Account!” and input your Register ID and Authorization Key provided to you by GLM. Then select “Save Settings”.

As always, please feel free to reach out to your consultant, technical support at 720-740-3076, or email support@adilas.biz if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions.