Admin Photo Permission

Russell MooreGeneral News and Updates, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

Photo Gallery, Admin Photo Permission Allows permissioned user to change photos no matter who uploaded them How To Get To It: Classic Links (header tab) > System Management > Add/Edit Payees & Permissions > Select A User Locate and select permission id=159, “Photo Admin” and save the page. Tip: To find permission quickly, press “control + f”, type “id=159”. The page … Read More

Snow Owl – Templates and More

Russell MooreGeneral News and Updates, Help Files, Support, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

Snow Owl – Templates and More The Snow Owl theme can now create templates and have control of payee settings. In this update we will go over these new settings. Create Template Edit Template Edit Payee Settings Payee Select Template Watch a video on it Written instructions below Create Template Snow Owl now has the ability to create multiple templates. … Read More

Multi Queue

Benjamin HudsonCannabis Updates, MJ Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

Multi Queue Multiple Sub Queues offered. New multi queue view available. View on all Order Process pages, Medical Dispensary Homepage, Fulfillment Homepage, Custom Online or Drive Thru. See everyone in multiple queues or a specific queue. Great for Delivery, Instore Pickup, Drive Thru, Online Orders, you name it:)   Sub Queues Update Add as many Queues as desired. Show or … Read More

Snow Owl – Text Editor

Russell MooreTips and TricksLeave a Comment

[alert_message id=”947f5da93739d906adc87e4f5879aaa7″ type=”info” title=”For Your Information” text=”As of 3/1/2018, AFB the third-party solution has been merged with Adilas. Please refer to the most recent posts for the most current information.” icon=”fa fa-info-circle” close=”true” alignment=”left” text_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#47c9e5″ border_color=”” __fw_editor_shortcodes_id=”2dab3244aa39a1be2560805c5978c6fb” _fw_coder=”aggressive”][/alert_message] Snow Owl – Text Editor Text editors allow you to create HTML content easily and efficiently. Watch A Video On It … Read More

Snow Owl – Data Tables

Russell MooreTips and TricksLeave a Comment

[alert_message id=”ec4f0ab81d6eb0574b918acc97156691″ type=”info” title=”For Your Information” text=”As of 3/1/2018, AFB the third-party solution has been merged with Adilas. Please refer to the most recent posts for the most current information.” icon=”fa fa-info-circle” close=”true” alignment=”left” text_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#47c9e5″ border_color=”” __fw_editor_shortcodes_id=”ecc9746c9181542e6edcd8a48f815f1b” _fw_coder=”aggressive”][/alert_message] Snow Owl – Data Tables Data tables are a powerful new way to view your data in Adilas. Data tables are … Read More