It is imperative for our Colorado Medical Marijuana Centers, still utilizing end-of-day CSV uploads to report sales to METRC, to contact us before January 1st, 2022, to switch to our new upgraded LIVE transactional reporting!
There are a couple of ways to determine if you are set up for CSV reporting or old Transactional Sales reporting vs. upgraded Live Transactional Sales reporting. You can check your METRC API Homepage or you can check your Third-Party Solutions API Settings page. Below are instructions for both.
You can check your METRC API Homepage and if it looks like the below two screenshots, you are running on the old CSV reporting or old transactional sale reporting pages and you will need to contact us ASAP at 720-740-3076 or via email at

If your METRC API Homepage looks like the below screenshot, you are currently set up for the upgraded Live Transactional Sales reporting and no further action is needed at this time.

To check via the Third Party Settings page to see how your API is set up, please click on the “question mark” icon on the right side of any page inside Adilas.

Then select the “checkmark” icon for Third-Party Page:

Scroll down until you reach the METRC API section, and look at the section titled “Sales Reporting Connection Type”. If you have “Transactional by CVS Only” or “Daily Sales Reporting” selected, PLEASE CONTACT US BEFORE JANUARY 1ST to get switched to Transactional Live reporting.
If you have “Transaction (live, each invoice as created) – Recommended)” there is no action needed at this time.

These changes are necessary based on the new rules that will take effect on January 1st, 2022. The new METRC API Bulletin 99 can be read here. There are other rules that this bulletin covers and we will be posting more announcements and communication as soon as we have the information and solutions available to our clients
As always, if you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at 720-740-3076 or via email at
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