New mini display for shopping cart activity now available

Cory WardenGeneral News and Updates, Help Files, Support, Tips and TricksLeave a Comment

Now your customers can view the items you add to their shopping cart on an external monitor. To see how this functions, click on the icon on the top right for Chooser.

Once the page is finished loading, start typing in the word ‘display’ in the search field as shown below. Then click view.

The external monitor will have the name of your store and the status of ‘waiting’ which means it is waiting for you to start a new cart.
**You will need to drag this tab over to your external monitor and open another tab to continue to work in adilas and to add items to the shopping cart.

Once you start a cart the status will change to ‘cart items’ to indicate it is ready for you to add items to the new cart.

Now as you add items to the shopping cart, they will be listed on the screen. Below is an example with two items in the cart. The customer only sees a scaled down version of what the salesperson is seeing.

Below is the full view of the shopping cart and what the salesperson sees.

Once you complete the sale, the status goes back to ‘waiting’ and is ready for the next sale. If you clear the cart, it will also return to the ‘waiting’ status. If you log out, you will be logged out of the that screen as well.

As always, please feel free to reach out to Technical Support at 720-740-3046 or email if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions.

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