You may be wondering what the Metrc ID does on the transactional sales page in adilas. You may also be wondering if the number is missing, just exactly what “find” means.
The Metrc ID is a way to match up transactions in Metrc with adilas invoices. Previously, in order to match up transactions, we had to search through Metrc, and then click through the invoice history for the time stamp on individual invoices in adilas (although this method is still viable).

As a sale happens, the process ‘looks’ for the Metrc ID so we can match it up with the adilas invoice. If the ID is found, we add it to the Metrc API Homepage for Transactional Sales. If this ID is not found, the “find” link shows up instead. This means that adilas did not find a match but one must exist as the sale went through (Metrc did not respond with an error). Sometimes this happens during high traffic times.

As detailed above, if you click on “find” it will either populate the field with the found Metrc ID, or it will take you to another screen where you are prompted to fill in the ID that you have physically found by searching Metrc directly. Once you fill in this ID, it will compare it to the adilas invoice and will prompt an error if it is incorrect.
Please note… the Metrc ID is not required for state reporting compliance. You are not required to look up the ID number if it is missing. It is a tool that is offered by adilas to help with matching sales transactions in two software systems and should not cause concern if it is missing!!
As always, please feel free to reach out to your consultant, Technical Support at 719-966-7102, or email if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions.