Capture & Record Your Story
Every business has a story to tell. Here are a few key features that help you think about the concept of capturing and recording the story:
- Centralize the data
- Empower the users
- Capture the data at the point of usage
- Date and time stamp everything
- Enter once, use many
- Translate real life happening into digital recordings
- Spend the time and try to get it right - try to complete the whole circle, complete the story, get all of the pieces that you need - get all of the details

- The story brings clarity to numbers - if you capture the whole story the details end up cascading down and will bring clarity to what is behind the numbers
- Capture: What does this mean? It says I’ve got a snapshot, you can replicate it, you have it, you can recreate it
- Record the story: There are dates, times, events, actions, reactions, transactions - there is some chain of events that occur and happen, capturing the causes and effects
- Digital office, paperless office, put it on the web, make it cloud based, show what you want, hide what you want - all of your pieces in one place
- This is "what" is happening & "when" things are happening
- When you get the whole thing it becomes magic... This is "why" we are doing this - to capture and record the story - to create a data tracking system that knows what is going on - to simulate your world and capture all of the relationships, cause and effect scenarios, to recreate what is happening in your business